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Kaylynn Mower

Modernize commercial spaces energy savings scaled

Modernize Commercial Spaces For Energy Savings During Earth Month

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April is often referred to as Earth Month with Earth Day officially occurring on April 22nd each year. To help celebrate this month, we want to share some information on how to modernize commercial spaces to save energy with innovative window films. We will summarize some things in a recent article entitled “Modernize Your Office Building with Innovative Window Film” in Construction Review Online.

The article states the following about all the ways window films can be used. “When it comes to modernizing the windows in an office building, does the advantages of window film outweigh the material and installation costs? Absolutely! Commercial window tint can be used on almost any glass surface and it offers a variety of different benefits. Not only does window film block the sun’s heat and offer protection from harmful UV rays, it also minimizes the glare on your devices, reduces energy costs, and protects furnishings.

It then specifically discusses how window films can help improve how “green” a building is by saving energy usage. “Whether you’re modifying a commercial space or a residential building, window film is an excellent way of cutting down on energy costs. How would you do that? Window film is made specifically to help prevent heat penetration, which enables your indoor spaces to be much cooler. In addition, window tinting also lowers HVAC consumption because it reduces the amount of heat that enters your space. That helps keep the temperature much regulated than other areas with non-tinted windows. In the end, less air conditioning use also suggests cutting back a generous amount of energy use, letting you save a huge amount of money on your monthly energy bills.

If you would like to read the entire article, click HERE.

We hope that this article was enlightening on how retrofitting a window film to existing windows into your space can help you be a part of Earth Month by reducing your energy consumption moving forward.

If you would like more information about the commercial window films we use to modernize commercial spaces, click HERE. If you have questions or would like to arrange a free, no obligation consultation and estimate, please contact us by calling 801-810-8468 or emailing us at We are located in Orem, Utah and service the surrounding area.

Home window tint film

Home Window Tint and Film Benefits Discussed In Million Acres Magazine

By Residential Window Film

We wanted to share information from a recent article in Million Acres by Matt Frankel, CFP that discussed the pros and cons of having home window tint retrofitted to your existing windows.

In this article, we are going to primarily summarize the benefits as the only negative the article mentioned was the potential out of pocket cost up front. Other than that, home window tint and film provides a fairly substantial list of positives. The great thing about this home improvement is that in most cases window film can be installed directly on your existing windows with very little disruption to a household. So, without further delay, here are the pros of home window tint.

The Benefits of Home Window Tint and Film
  • Reduce Excessive Heat or Eliminate Hot Spots: In general terms, sunlight generates heat, and utilizing tinted windows allows less sunlight in. The result is less heat entering the home through the windows. This can be used to cut heat in a room that has a south or west exposure and gets too hot during the day or in targeted areas to eliminate a hot spot in a very particular area of the house. The article quotes a HomeGuide claim that tinted windows can block as much as 85% of the heat generated by sunlight, which can mean a difference of as much as 15 degrees in the interior of the home. While the amount of heat reduced depends on the particular windows installed, home window film is an effective way to reduce heat from entering though the glass.
  • Help Prevent Sun Damage: As the article states, “natural sunlight isn’t just hot, it can be damaging to the inside of your home“. Wood floors and furniture are especially vulnerable to long-term sun damage. This sun damage is caused primarily by a combination of UV rays, heat and natural light. Window films can reduce the combination of these three primary elements to help prolong the life of your furnishings.
  • Lower Energy Costs: This goes hand in hand with reducing excessive heat. The goal is to maintain a comfortable environment in your home for the least amount of cost due to energy usage. The article explains that, “as sunlight heats the air in your home to an uncomfortable temperature, you probably use your air conditioning system to cool it. Reducing the sunlight in your home means you’ll run your air conditioner less, which can save you money on electricity.
  • Improved Privacy: The article states that, “tinted windows make it more difficult for people to see into your home, which can add to the feeling of privacy (and security) in your home, without the need to keep your shades drawn at all times“. While this is true of some window tint during the day, when it becomes dark outside others will be able to see in. That being said, there are specific window films that can be used to give you privacy both day and night.
  • Cut Irritating Glare: Like a quality pair of sun glasses, window film can be used to cut irritating glare. The article says it this way, “tinted windows help eliminate glare caused by sunlight. As a personal example, I can’t use my home office after 3 p.m. without my blinds down. The glare is too intense for me to see my computer screens comfortably. Window tint can solve this sort of problem“.
  • Add a Decorative Element: In addition to films that reduce the light transmission, some types of window film come in attractive textures, designs and patterns that can add both decorative and privacy elements to your home.

If you would like to read the entire article in Million Acres, click HERE.

We hope that this summary of the article gave you some insight into all the great things these innovative home window tint and films can do. If you would like more information about the home window tinting films mentioned in the article, click HERE. If you have questions about our services, call us at 801-810-8468 or email us at We would be happy to provide a free, no obligation consultation and estimate of implementing a window film solution in your Orem, Utah home.

Prevent sun faded furnishing

Prevent Sun Faded Furnishings & Floors – The Washington Post Tells How

By Uncategorized

In a recent issue of The Washington Post in their Home & Garden area they tackled the topic of how to prevent sun faded furnishings and floors. The main product they discussed in the article was window film. As a retrofit to your existing windows, window film can help control the three primary factors that cause fading; UV Rays, heat and visible light.

Washington Post Tells How To Prevent Sun Faded Furnishings & Floors - 2


In the article, they state:

“Having window film installed on the inside of your windows could be the solution. These films come with a wide variety of characteristics, enabling them to let certain wavelengths of light through while reflecting or absorbing other wavelengths.

Window film cannot totally prevent fading because other factors, such as humidity, account for about 5 percent of the problem. But depending on the window film you select, it can go a long way toward reducing the problem. All films block virtually all ultraviolet rays from the sun, which are responsible for about 45 percent of fading. Films also can block the rays that together cause about half of fading: visible light and infrared light, which causes heat.”

You can check out the entire article by clicking HERE.

It is important to fully understand what is causing the sun bleaching to occur to choose a product that will genuinely help prevent sun faded furnishings and floors in your home. You can learn more about how film combats this problem by checking out an article we wrote located HERE.

If you would like more information on the benefits of using an applied window film to combat fading, contact us by calling 801-810-8468 or emailing us at We would be happy to discuss the options with you and provide you with a free, no obligation quote of implementing a window film into your Orem, Utah area home.

Decorative glass window film 1

Decorative Glass Window Film Transforms Commercial Spaces in 3 Ways

By Uncategorized

With COVID fading into the rearview mirror and many people beginning to come back to the office, many commercial spaces designed before the pandemic are now being re-imagined for a post-COVID work environment. Spaces that worked great 2 years ago are now needing some tweaking. This is where decorative glass window film can help you cost effectively transform spaces for these new requirements / needs.

3 Ways Decorative Glass Window Film Can Transform a Commercial Space
  • Decorative Glass Window Film Transforms Commercial Spaces in 3 Ways - Decorative Window and Glass FilmsCreate Defined Spaces Without Walls – Former large open office spaces now may need some definition without the need or want to begin building walls. Use of decorative films on existing glass panels can help retain an open feel while creating visual breaks and defining spaces.
  • Integrate Company Branding or Decorative Elements – Custom decorative films can be utilized on both interior and exterior glass panels to integrate company branding or just add a decorative element to existing glass panels. This can help give the space a completely new feel cost effectively.
  • Add Privacy Where Needed – It may be necessary to add some privacy to certain spaces or rooms or to conceal areas of the space from visitors. These films can easily be added to existing glass panels for complete privacy. There are even some films available that can block what is displayed on computer monitors or only become frosted on demand when the privacy is needed and remain clear at other times. If you have a privacy need, retrofitting a window film to the existing glass might just be the answer you are looking for.

If you are interested and would like more information about decorative glass window film and how it can be integrated into your commercial space, please contact us today by calling 801-810-8468 or emailing us at We are located in Orem, Utah and service the surrounding area.

Reduce utility bills save energy window film

3 Tips To Reduce Utility Bills, Save Energy & Keep Cool This Summer

By Uncategorized

Even though the cooler outside temperatures are doing their best to hang on, the warmer days of Summer are on the way. Prices are up everywhere from the grocery store to your local gas pump, not to mention on your utility bills! An article in Forbes Magazine entitled “Six Tips To Save Energy, Reduce Bills And Keep Cool During Summer” discusses strategies that could be implemented to reduce utility bills and help save you some money this Summer.

We’ll summarize a few of the points below along with our commentary.

  1. Reduce Electrical Consumption in Peak Load Hours – As the sun is highest and often hottest, electrical consumption to keep a home comfortable is at a peak. The point here is to reduce energy usage during these peak hours. Many utility companies charge a higher rate for consumption during peak hours, so anything you can do to reduce usage here can really pay off.
  2. Install Internal and External Window Filming – The article states; “External window film prevents the heat of the sun from penetrating the window, while internal window film prevents heat from transferring to the space. Studies have shown that filming your windows results in a 60% heat reduction.” In addition, window film is at its most effective during peak times of the day as that is when it’s rejecting the sun’s heat the most. This merges nicely with the point above of reducing electrical consumption in peak load hours.
  3. Use the Thermostat Properly – This point was that it is often more energy efficient to leave the thermostat on “Auto” vs using the “Fan On” setting. Proper use of the thermostat can save 40% in energy usage according to the article.

It is great to see a global publication recognizing window films as a cost effective, energy saving retrofit. With modern window film technology, you can achieve great heat rejection without even noticeably changing the appearance of existing windows. By reducing the heat entering your space, you save energy and reduce utility bills because your HVAC system does not need to work as hard to keep up with demand. Depending on the type of windows installed at your facility, it is possible to see the energy savings realized pay for the window film installation over time.

You can check out the complete Six Tips To Save Energy, Reduce Bills And Keep Cool During Summer article in Forbes by clicking HERE.

If you would like to learn more how modern window films retrofitted to existing windows can help reduce utility bills, save energy and keep you cool this Summer, contact us by calling 801-810-8468 or emailing us at We would be happy to provide a free, no obligation consultation and estimate of implementing an energy saving window film solution in your home or commercial space. We are located in Orem, Utah and service the surrounding area.

Improved commercial spaces window film

Improved Commercial Spaces – 5 Ways Window Films Upgrade Spaces

By Uncategorized

Commercial real estate is in a state of change as we enter a post COVID era. As commercial spaces are being re-imagined for new work needs, improving those spaces in a variety of ways is a goal to consider. With this in mind, we wanted to share this summary of an article from Facility Executive Magazine on 5 ways that window films can be used to improve your facility. The article hits on several of the key ways that building owners and commercial property managers integrate window films to create improved commercial spaces.

5 Ways Window Films Offer Improved Commercial Spaces

  1.  Improve Commercial Spaces in Five Ways With Window Films - Commercial Window TintingEnergy Conservation: Up to 30% of any building’s cooling and heating load is through windows. Installing window film reduces the stress on a facility’s HVAC system. Many films block up to 80 percent of the sun’s heat, helping to cut cooling costs.
  2. Safety and Security: Windows and doors are the most vulnerable parts of any building. They are easy points of entry for people who may mean harm to the occupants, the building itself, or its contents. When professionally installed safety film is added, the glass doesn’t shatter, delaying the intruder’s entrance, and allowing local authorities to get to the scene in a timely matter.
  3. Health and Comfort: The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends solar control window film to protect healthy skin and prevent premature aging. Window film lets natural daylight in, but blocks up to 99% of the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays, and up to 80% of the sun’s heat protecting the building’s occupants and preventing interior furnishings from fading. Employees are also more productive and comfortable thanks to window film reducing solar glare, not only on their computer screens but throughout the entire building.
  4. Green Benefits: Nearly 75% of windows are not energy efficient, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Window film installation costs a fraction of new window replacement, and accomplishes many of the same goals, as well as going a long way in reducing a building’s carbon footprint.
  5. Aesthetics: Window film can improve the aesthetics of any commercial building. By improving the look of dated windows with film, the whole building will appear as though it had a modern facelift. Many manufacturers also offer decorative films that can add style, privacy and create a unique interior design. With certain styles of decorative films, facility executives can even achieve the look of etched glass at a fraction of the cost.

You can find the entire article HERE.

We hope that you found this summary informative and that it helps you in your goal of improved commercial spaces in 2022. If you would like more information on commercial window films, click HERE. If you have any questions about these innovative films, please contact us by calling 801-810-8468 or emailing us at We are located in Orem, Utah and service the surrounding area.

School security student safety window film_1

District Administration Notes Window Film For Student and School Security

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With many schools beginning to relax safety and health procedures as it pertains to COVID,  school administrators must still focus on school security and student safety as a result of tragic events of the past several years. As a result, most districts are discussing what steps can be taken to avoid unauthorized access on campus and to keep these incidents from occurring in the future. The ability to restrict access to the school is at the forefront of any security discussion.

An article in District Administration Magazine entitled “Building Blocks of a School Security Plan” discussed particular strategies that can be implemented to improve the school security and student safety. One of the items mentioned in the article was utilizing security window film to make it harder for someone to forcefully enter the facility.

Student Safety & School Security Plans - District Administration Magazine - Safety and Security Window Film InformationAs the article states:

“Make your building perimeter harder to penetrate. If you already have locks on your outside doors, the next item you should consider on your list is security film for your windows. After the doors, the next obvious place a person with bad intentions will try to enter the building is through your windows. Security film maintains the integrity of the window, even if the glass is broken. It helps to hold the glass in place, acting as a screen that is difficult to breach, even with a sledge hammer or baseball bat. I believe that simple is better. Make sure that your plan is based on principles such as distance or time. Ask yourself, Does this security device offer my community additional time by delaying the threat?”

One of the best things about a security window film is that, when installed professionally, it can be hard to detect that anything is even on the glass. A typical person looking to gain unauthorized access to the facility does not expect the delayed entry that security window film produces. That serves to buy school authorities on-site and local police departments more time to respond. This technology has been used for many years to thwart smash and grab burglary attempts in retail store settings. In these situations, every extra moment counts and security window film delivers additional time for authorities to respond.

If you have any questions or would like more information on how security window film can enhance school security and student safety, Contact Us today by calling 801-810-8468 or emailing us at We are located in Orem, Utah and service the surrounding area.

Living room decorated with leather sofa and piano with burning fireplace in background

Reduce Glare & Harsh Light To Make Your Home More Comfortable

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Need to Reduce Glare and Harsh Light? Window Film Can Help!

Most people think of window film or window tinting primarily as something that helps in the Summer. It can reduce glare and heat coming through the glass making a room uncomfortable. However, Winter is often the time when glare and harsh light become big issues that create discomfort in a home. There are three reasons this is the case:

  1. The sun is lower in the sky during these months which means that it is shining more directly into your windows versus from a more overhead position in the Summer months.
  2. There are no leaves on the trees to block the sun. Many homes and commercial properties have foliage in the Summer that serves to offer some shade. In the Winter, with this gone, they have to deal with glare issue that are not present at other times of the year.
  3. The refection of the sun off of the snow. When there is a layer of snow on the ground, it acts like a big mirror to reflect the sun’s rays. This can make any harsh light issue even worse at this time of the year as it is actually amplifying the light coming through the glass.

What Can Window Film Do?

The window film we offer is likely not like the picture in your head of a darkly tinted car. Technology has enabled current window films to block a great deal of glare as well as heat without restricting your view. In fact, like a high quality pair of sunglasses, the innovative technology found in window film today actually serves to enhance your views. The harsh light and glare is eliminated allowing your eyes to relax and your home or commercial space to become a more comfortable place to be.

We hope this article served to “shed some light” on how window films can be used to reduce glare and improve comfort in the Winter. If you would like more information, check out the link located HERE and call us at 801-810-8468  or email us at We would be happy to provide a free, no obligation consultation and estimate of implementing window film solution in your home. We are located in Orem, Utah and service the surrounding area.

Solar control window films

Solar Control Window Films Save Money And Conserve Energy

By Uncategorized

These days, a more energy efficient commercial space helps you go green in two ways: it’s better for the environment, and it’s better for your wallet. With the costs of utilities going through the roof, you want to find ways to conserve wherever possible. The energy savings from solar control window films can help you avoid costly utility bills, and these innovative films retrofit to existing windows to avoid the cost and disruption of replacing inefficient windows.

Adding one of these window films to your commercial facility will give you energy and cost savings that can have a real impact. Let’s talk specifically about how they work and what they can do for you.

How Solar Control Window Films Conserve Energy

You might be imagining that window films reduce heat simply by tinting the window a dark color and blocking light, but that’s not the only way a window film can work. Modern solar control window films actually decrease a building’s heat gain through various technologies embedded in the film that absorb or deflect solar radiation….and they can even do this without noticeably darkening the glass.

When solar radiation hits untreated windows, some is reflected off, but most penetrates through the window and enters the internal spaces. Window films act to reflect or absorb a significant portion of that radiation at the glass surface, keeping it out of your space and maintaining a more temperature-controlled interior.

Solar Control Window Films Save Money And Conserve Energy - Commercial Window Tinting and FilmThis results in a number of significant benefits:

Looking for a partner in energy and cost saving window films? Give us a call!

We hope that this article provided some useful information about how commercial solar control window films. If you have any questions, or would like to arrange a free, no obligation consultation at your commercial space, contact us by calling 801-810-8468 or emailing us at We would be glad to explain these innovative and functional window films available and help you get exactly the right film to fit your needs in the Orem, Utah area.

Heat glare issues home window film

Glare Issues & Excessive Heat Ruining The Comfort of Your Home?

By Uncategorized

Over these past couple years many of us have been spending more time in our home. One change has been that we’ve been in our homes more throughout the day causing us to notice things we may not have in the past like hot spots or excessive glare. An unfortunate aspect of the great open feeling windows provide is that they can allow more glare and heat than might be preferrable. This can cause air conditioning systems to work overtime and make it harder to see computer and television screens. If your increased time at home has caused you to notice some excessive heat or irritating glare issues, window film retrofitted to your existing windows can help.

2 Ways Window Film Can Help With Excessive Heat & Glare Issues

Reduce Excessive Heat – While window treatments can be effective at blocking sunlight and reducing incoming heat, they also obstruct the desired view through the windows. A window film applied to your existing glass can reflect or absorb sunlight before it enters the home. In fact, some films can block up to 78% of the sun’s heat. This means the air conditioning does not need to run as frequently and energy bills can possibly be reduced.

Cut Irritating Glare – When direct sunlight causes glare on computer or television screens a window treatment or covering can block the light. However, this also means rooms are darker and more interior lighting is required to account for the loss of natural light. Window films can be used to control excessive brightness and prevents harsh glare without forsaking natural light. In addition, you are able to look out windows and enjoy views and scenery, which has been shown to increase well-being and mood.

We hope this brief article helped enlighten you to how window film can help with heat and glare issues in your home. If you would like more information on home window film, click HERE. If you have questions about our services, call us at 801-810-8468 or email us at We would be happy to provide a free, no obligation consultation and estimate of implementing a window film solution in your Orem, Ogden or Salt Lake City, Utah area home.