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School security vulnerabilities window retrofit addresses weakness

School Safety for Back to School – Is Your Orem, Utah Area School Safe?

By Security Film

With “Back to School” upon us, we wanted to share an article about school safety and how security window film can be part of an overall solution to keep kids safe. This article was in Business Insider and is titled “Here are the best ways to protect schools, workplaces, and ourselves from active shooters.

The article talks about a variety of ways to increase school safety, and they specifically mention security window film. The article states the following in the section on the use of technology to improve safety: “Protective and intrusion resistant doors and windows creating delays in an aggressor’s ability to gain entry. For pre-existing locations the addition of protective window film, improved locking mechanisms and/or frames as well as other reinforcement techniques can be effective.” The article discusses the use of “security in layers” as a way to improve school safety. It states, “Effective security requires a layered approach incorporating the use of personnel in primary and auxiliary security roles and employing multiple physical and physiological impediments deterring and delaying the entry of unapproved individuals. If deterring or preventing attacks is not achieved the alternate goal is the ability to delay the aggressors long enough to detect and stop them prior to reaching their target. Generally speaking the more effective layers used, the better the result.”

We want to briefly explain what protective security window film is and how it can be used to increase school safety. These films are designed to be used in conjunction with other measures to add am additional layer of security as part of the overall system. Security window films are not designed to be the solitary solution. So, what is it exactly? Security window film is typically a clear layer of polyester film that is applied to a building’s existing windows on the interior surface of the glass. The film comes in a variety of different thicknesses and can be installed in several different ways depending on the level of safety or security required. Once installed, this film will hold the glass fragments of the window together in the event of a break.

As it relates to school safety and security, this film will hold glass fragments together and reduce the potential of injury from broken or flying glass in a natural disaster, an act of terrorism or inadvertent breakage. In addition, and in the way the article was referring to, this film by keeping the glass intact will slow down or impede potential intruders from gaining access to the building and give authorities time to respond. Often, intruders are looking for the fastest and easiest point of access and because doors and gates have been fortified in recent years, the next easier access point would be through a window. That is why safety and security film should be considered as a way to fortify this vulnerability and add a layer of security.

To read the complete article in Business Insider, click HERE We hope this article has helped you better understand how security window film can be used to enhance school safety. Contact your school to find out what technologies they are implementing to keep your children and their students safer. If you, or your school district, have any questions, call us at (801) 810-TINT(8468) or fill out a form at here. We would be happy to arrange a free, no obligation consultation and discuss how you can implement a window film solution in your home.


Residential Window Tint Modern living room

Top Benefits of Residential Window Tinting in Salt Lake City, Utah

By Residential Window Film

Residential window tinting can be a very cost-effective way to reduce energy, minimize glare, protect your furnishings and increase the security of your home. The best part is that this film can typically be done as a retrofit to your existing windows with very little disruption to your home.

Top Benefits of Residential Window Tinting

  • CUT YOUR HOME COOLING COSTS UP TO 50% – According to the EPA Energy Star Buildings Manual in the United States, approximately half of a home’s utility bills are wasted by loss of heat and heat gain through untreated windows. Home window tinting can significantly improve energy efficiency. With a thin, virtually invisible addition to your home’s existing windows, window films can help you save up to 50% on cooling costs.
  • REDUCE HEAT AND GLARE – Open your blinds, shades, or draperies and let the sunlight in. In addition to blocking heat, home window tint reduces glare by up to 87%, making it easier for you to watch television or work on a computer in the comfort of your home. Because home window films are made with ultra-clear, distortion-free materials, you won’t even know it’s there.
  • LESSEN THE EFFECTS OF HARMFUL UV RAYS – Most fabrics, furnishings and artwork can fade simply by allowing daylight to pass through an untreated window. Home window tinting will block up to 99.9% of all UVA and UVB rays, helping to protect your family and preserve the color of your furnishings, fabrics and carpets.
  • CORRECTS TEMPERATURE IMBALANCES – Window films can help eliminate hot and cold spots within your home by using film that reduces heat gain coming through the glass in hot areas. This will create a more balanced temperature across the space and reduce the load on your air conditioning system.
  • PROTECT YOUR HOME AND FAMILY – Glass can be a real hazard in the home when broken from accidents, storms, or break-ins. Safeguard your family and your property with home safety window films. This transparent but powerful barrier helps hold glass in place should an impact occur, help keep an intruder out and help defend you against the unexpected.
  • AFFORDABLE ALTERNATIVE TO REPLACEMENT WINDOWS – While damaged or deteriorating windows simply have to be replaced, home window tinting provides an affordable alternative to replacement when your goal is to improve energy efficiency. In fact, the cost for quick, professional installation is about one-tenth the cost of replacement windows!

We also found thus excerpt from an article written by Jessica Brown that appeared in How Stuff Works that discussed the top benefits of having your home windows tinted. “Curtains, furniture and even flooring can fall victim to the effects of the sun. One of the leading culprits in fading your valuables is ultraviolet light. To keep those home furnishings and decorations looking their best, a window film with a high percentage of ultraviolet light rejection would be a good choice. Many films can now block almost 99 percent of the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Ultraviolet light can not only fade your furniture, but too much of it can affect your health. Ultraviolet rays are the reason for sunburns and are also seen as one of the risk factors for cancer.

According ­to the Report on Carcinogens released by the Department of Health and Human Services, ultraviolet radiation is a known human carcinogen [source: National Institutes of Health]. For working to prevent sun-induced skin damage, several types of window film have even been given the Skin Cancer Foundation‘s Seal of Recommendation [source: The Skin Cancer Foundation]. Some window films offer another benefit in the area of safety: shatter resistance. The film’s shatter resistance comes from its ability to hold glass shards together and act as a barrier between the interior of the home and the glass. Along with the safety benefits, window tinting can also help to reduce the glare on your television when viewing the big game. The percentage of glare reduction is usually related to the visible light transmittance. The lower the amount of light transmitted through the film, the greater the glare reduction inside the home.”

If you would like more information on the benefits of residential window tinting, Click HERE. If you have any questions, call us at (801) 810-TINT(8468) or fill out a form at HERE. We would be happy to arrange a free, no obligation consultation and discuss how you can implement a window film solution in your home.

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No Indoor Sunburn Doesn’t Mean Skin Damage Isn’t Occurring

By Uncategorized

Are you aware that your skin is susceptible to UV damage from the sun when you are inside? A recent article in Business Insider called “You can get sun damage through a window — here’s how to protect yourself indoors” by Madeline Kennedy discusses this. With Summer just kicking off, we wanted to share some information from the article about how to prevent skin damage when spending time near windows.

Many people think because they do not get a sunburn while inside and behind glass that skin damage isn’t occurring. The reality is that you will not get sunburned indoors or in your vehicle behind the windows because most types of glass block UVB rays. UVB is the type of light that causes sunburns and tans. However, glass does not block UVA rays. These rays are the type that cause skin damage, wrinkles and even some types of cancer.

As Madeline writes in the article, “Most of us know to wear sunscreen when we’re outside in the sun, but you may need to take the same precautions when driving for long periods or sitting next to a sunny window at home.” This is exactly right. Most people are educated enough to understand the need for sunscreen when outdoors, but do not give it a second thought when near a window.

This article goes on to share a quote from R. Sonia Batra, MD, a dermatologist in Santa Monica, California. “People often have a false sense of security in their cars or behind windows since the UVB rays that cause a quicker sunburn are blocked…However, the UVA rays that penetrate glass actually reach a deeper layer of skin and still cause sun damage, discoloration, and wrinkles.

Madeline also shares “If you are just sitting in a room lit by sunlight, you are not likely to get sun damage, but if you are positioned next to a window getting direct sunlight for many hours of the day, you may want to take precautions. Batra also shares, “I usually recommend a mineral-based, physical sunscreen with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide and at least an SPF of 30. Mineral sunscreens may be preferable to chemical sunscreen because they are less likely to irritate your skin.

Batra goes on to share that, “You can also add a clear protective film to your window that filters out UVA rays“, Batra says. Studies show that UV protective films can reduce UVA transmission by more than 99 per cent. Protect yourself with a broad-spectrum sunscreen or use a window film if you plan to spend a lot of time by a window.

You can read the entire Business Insider article by clicking HEREThe Skin Cancer Foundation also weighs in with the benefits of window films in tow articles on their website entitled “Not All UV Rays Stay Outside: How Window Film Can Help Protect You” and “A Surprising Danger in Planes, Trains and Automobiles“.

We hope that this article opened your eyes to the potential for skin damage when at home or in the office. Many of us are so diligent about protecting our skin but overlook these places where we could be taking in hours of dangerous exposure without even realizing it. If you would like to learn more, call us at (801) 810-TINT(8468) or fill out a form at here. We would be happy to arrange a free, no obligation consultation and discuss how you can implement a window film solution in your home.

Help Prevent Sun Damaged Furnishings with Home Window Films

Help Prevent Sun Damaged Furnishings with Home Window Films

By Residential Window Film

The sun gives off UV rays that can be rather harmful. Most people use sunblock because of this very reason — to help protect their skin. However, are you aware that these same harmful UV rays can cause sun damaged furnishings inside of your home? It’s true. Just because there are windows in your house that are blocking some of the UV rays that the sun gives off, that does not mean your furnishings are 100% safe. In fact, that is far from the case.

Luckily, inventions like window film exist. Not only can window film help reduce the rate of fading, which we will cover in greater detail later, but they help to eliminate excessive heat and glare from the sun. Can you imagine a world where your TV doesn’t have any signs of glare during the middle of the day? That life is possible with window film.

You might be wondering how window film works, and how it can actually help protect against sun damaged furnishings in your home. Here are the exact ways the window films we carry at Shaded Glass help reduce rate of fading:

  • Block up to 99% of harmful UV rays — the principal cause of fading
  • Reject solar heat, which can continually heat fabrics and other surfaces, causing them to break down and discolor over time
  • Filter visible light, which can accelerate fading

There are plenty of bonuses with window film. For instance, this great technology can help lower energy costs and eliminate hot spots. Everyone has that one room in their home that they don’t go in during the day because it is filled with heat from the sun shining in. With window film, these hot spots can help to be reduced.

Five Things in your Home Susceptible to Sun Damage

  • Fabrics and Upholstery
  • Window Treatments
  • Wallpaper
  • Natural Wood Floors
  • Photos , Paintings and other Furnishings

Window films are a brilliant option to help preserve these items for a longer period of time. Don’t let the sun fade and ruin your furnishings. If they aren’t protected, they can be very expensive to replace. You may not notice your furniture fading after a week of sun exposure, but you will see a difference over time as your furnishings start to fade.

Window treatments help reduce hot spots, glare and sun damage to your belongings but that comes with a cost. With window treatments, natural light and your view is also being blocked out. With window films, you continue to maintain your view and let the light in.

There is a way to prevent sun damaged furnishings in your home and protect your furniture, art, hardwood floors, etc. The solution starts and ends with window film from Shaded Glass. Give us a call at (801) 810-TINT(8468) or fill out a form at here. We would be happy to arrange a free, no obligation consultation and discuss how you can implement a window film solution in your home.

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Spring in Utah is a Great Time to Consider Home Window Tinting

By Residential Window Film

Spring In Orem, Ogden and Salt Lake City Area Is a Great Time To Consider Home Window Tinting

On some of these cooler days it may not feel like it, but Spring is literally just around the corner! With the warmer weather on the way, this is the perfect time of year to consider home window tinting. So, while you wait for the sun and warm weather to arrive, consider these three reasons you should consider retrofitting your existing windows with home window tint as your Spring home improvement project this year.

  • Greater Energy Efficiency – Modern window films can be used as a retrofit to nearly any window to improve their energy efficiency. By improving the insulating properties of your window unit, window film improves the comfort of your home while reducing the load on your air conditioning system. The result can be a more comfortable home with lower utility bills.
  • Protect Furnishings from Fading – UV rays, heat and glare from the sun can cause sun damage to your floors, carpets and furniture. Home window tinting works to block the contributors to fading and extend the life of your furnishings.
  • Add Privacy and Decor – Decorative window films can be used on any window where additional privacy is needed. From bathrooms to entryway windows, there are many options to add privacy without sacrificing looks. These films can also be used to add a custom decorative element to nearly any glass panel.

We hope this brief article gave you some ideas on how home window tinting can be the perfect addition to your house this Spring. Give us a call at (801) 810-TINT(8468) or fill out a form at here. We would be happy to arrange a free, no obligation consultation and discuss how you can implement a window film solution in your Utah area home.

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Three Reasons Home Window Films Are A Great Gift For Your House

By Residential Window Film

At this time of the year when we exchange gifts, we wanted to share an article that explains three reasons why home window film might be the best gift you can buy for your house.

Some Gifts Residential Window Films Give To Your Home

Improved Comfort – There are a variety of things that can impact the comfort of your home. One is a consistent temperature throughout the home. To accomplish that, you need to be able to eliminate hot and cold spots. These zones often are located near specific windows in your home. Some window films can be utilized to block excessive heat in the summer and retain heat in the winter. In addition, window films can improve comfort by reducing excessive glare coming through windows at certain times of the day.

Preserve Furnishings – Another way that window film can be a great gift for your home is by helping to preserve your furniture, flooring and furnishings. Most window films block 99% or more of the sun’s damaging UV rays. Because UV rays account for 40% of the reasons furnishings fade, nearly any window film will help increase the longevity of the interior valuables.

Upgrade Privacy and Decor – There are a variety of decorative window films that can be used to increase privacy by making glass panels opaque or frosted where needed. This can be extremely beneficial for bathroom windows or front door sidelight glass. In addition, these decorative window films can also be customized to add decorative elements and designs to glass panels within your home.

These are just a couple ways that window film can make a great gift for your home. If you would like more information on residential window films, click HERE. If you have any questions, contact us by calling (215) 491-9041 or clicking us HERE. We would be happy to discuss the options with you and provide you with a free, no obligation quote of implementing a home window film product into your Orem, Ogden and Salt Lake City areas of Utah.

Decorative Window Film - Dance Studio Privacy Glass Utah

Decorative Window Film, Best Option for Privacy and Branding

By Uncategorized

Decorative window film allows you unlimited possibilities to customize your work space or business. Here are 5 reasons it is the best options for your Utah Business:

1. Apply it to existing glass

Window film can be applied to most existing glass surfaces. With a little cleaning you can have a brand new expensive feel for a fraction for the cost.

2. Unlimited Options

Your imagination is the limit as to the patterns, graphics and feel you can create with decorative window film. With our custom plotter we can create almost anything you can imagine.

3. Economical

The cost of decorative window film is a fraction of the cost of custom etched glass or sandblasted work. You can transform your business to look upscale on a tight budget.

4. Easy to clean

Window film is smooth and easy to clean. Etched or sandblasted glass can gather dust, dirt and grease over time creating a yellow look. Decorative window tint will stay clean and crisp.

5. Easy to Replace and Upgrade

You can upgrade your design at any time with easy removal and new installation. This is a great option for leased office space where you can customize your space without breaking the bank or lease agreement.

If you would like more information on the ways that decorative window film can improve commercial spaces, click HERE. If you have any questions, or would like to arrange a free, no obligation consultation at your commercial space, contact us by calling 801-810-8468. We service all of Utah and would be glad to explain these innovative and functional window films available and help you get exactly the right film to fit your needs.

Custom Home Widnow Tinting Utah

Home Window Tinting

By Residential Window Film

Why Home Window Tinting?

We live in a time when money is hard to come by. So, you may ask yourself why home window tinting would be a viable financial choice for you and your family. Home window tinting offers many benefits that will help you save money, decrease the damage of UV rays, increase your level of security, and increase your level of comfort.

Having windows tinted in your home will help you save money on your monthly energy bills. Shaded Glass offers window tints that can block up to 78% of the heat that comes into your home. This is especially helpful if you have windows in your home that face to the south, because the heat from the sun comes in through those windows all day. By blocking more than ¾ of the heat that comes in, the money that you can save on your monthly energy bills is about 30%! Imagine what you could do with that extra cash! The money you save by having windows tinted in your home should be spent on something you want, rather than something you need to fix or replace. Home window tinting offers protection against this as well.

Ultra Violet Rays are not only damaging to skin, but to furniture as well. The UV rays from the sun cause furniture to fade. In many homes, large windows cover the walls. It is difficult to place a couch, piano, or other large piece of furniture somewhere where the sun won’t hit them. Residential window tinting is a great way to ensure your belongings last as long as they can without having to be replaced. Every window tint Shaded Glass offers blocks 99.9% of UV rays! This is an amazing way to make sure you are in control of what happens in your home.

Residential window tinting is also a great way to add an extra sense of security. Shaded Glass offers Utah window tint that causes a reflection during the day, so neighbors and others walking by cannot see into your home. Another way to help safeguard your family is with security film. This reinforces ordinary glass and makes it stronger so that breaking the glass becomes very difficult. This type of home window tinting is very useful on windows that can’t be seen very well by neighbors or those passing by. Help put your mind at ease and know that your home is safer with home window tinting.

Increasing the level of comfort you feel in your home is another way home window tinting will benefit you. Many times the light that comes in through windows causes a glare. This is especially noticeable on TV screens and makes it difficult to enjoy the shows or movies you are watching. Shaded Glass offers several different window tints that will help reduce the amount of glare that comes into your home.

Home window tinting is the perfect solution for your home. It will help you save money on your energy bills (which will eventually help you pay for the cost of the tint), keep your furniture in top shape by preventing it from fading, add an extra line of defense against home invasion, and help you stay comfortable in your home. With all these benefits, the real question is: Why would you not get home window tinting with Shaded Glass?


UV Protection

By Uncategorized

Many of us are aware of the risks ultraviolet rays pose to our bodies and take extreme caution when we are outside. We lather our bodies with sunscreen, wear hats, and sunglasses in order to reduce the amount of UV exposure. Just because you are inside, doesn’t mean you or your furniture is safe from the harmful effects of UV rays.

The purpose of windows is to let in light to our home, business, or car. Because they do their job very well, we often don’t realize that that same sunshine we protect our skin against when we are outside is coming in through our windows unabated. Windows alone do not protect against ultraviolet rays. Just like us, furniture needs sunscreen as well and it comes in the form of window tint.

All of the window tints offered by Shaded Glass block 100% of UV rays! This will not only help lower your chances of getting skin cancer, protect your eyes from damage, and decrease your chances of premature aging, but also protect your furniture as well. UV protection increases the life expectancy of your furniture.

No one likes to invite friends or family over and have their couch or showcase piece of furniture, such as a piano, faded by the sun. UV protection is essential to help safeguard the life of your furniture. Why spend money on replacing belongings when you can prolong their lifespan and use them as long as they were intended to be used?

That same question can be asked about cars. Many of us cannot afford to trade in our car for a newer model every year because the leather or upholstery has faded due to lack of UV protection. For a very affordable price, Shaded Glass can tint your car windows (as well as your home or business) to increase your level of UV protection and add years to the life of the interior of your vehicle. Not only have you enhanced your car, but you have spent less money than you would have replacing it.

In the economy we live, financial decisions should be made based on investment opportunity rather than the need to constantly replace or renew. UV protection offered by Shaded Glass through our window films will decrease your UV exposure; therefore, it is an investment opportunity. Take the first step in UV protection for your family and belongings today by calling Shaded Glass to schedule your free estimate.


Energy Savings & Efficiency

By Uncategorized

Money is something we all need, but we never seem to have enough of it. Shaded Glass is committed to providing its customers with the highest quality window films that will increase the energy efficiency of your home or business. This, in turn, means more money in your pocket at the end of every month.

Some may say you won’t save that much just by tinting your windows, but studies have shown that energy savings up to 30% can be seen. So what exactly does that mean to you as the consumer? Here is an example of the savings you could be receiving by having your windows tinted: you spend $100 on your electric bill each month, by having your windows tinted, you could potentially reduce your energy bill to $70. Imagine what you could do with an extra $30 at the end of every month!

Businesses can benefit greatly from having their windows tinted. Not only will they notice the savings on energy bills, but the government is cracking down on businesses and their energy efficiency. For example, in New York has instituted changes in the laws that require commercial building owners and managers to reduce their buildings’ energy consumption. If they do not comply with the new changes, they will be forced to pay fines. Shaded Glass offers 3M Window Films which will help buildings become ENERGY STAR certified while saving your company money. It’s only a matter of time before requirements such as these are put in place all over the United States. Why not be ahead of the game?

Let Shaded Glass help you save money each month on your energy bills. Stop spending more than you should, and start reaping the benefits of the energy savings window film offers. We can also help your business on its road to becoming ENERGY STAR certified, by helping you become more energy efficient. Give us a call today to schedule your free quote. We would love to hear from you.

*For more energy savings information visit the 3M website.